The Cabinet Office today announced that after consultation with a wide range of community leaders and other citizens including leaders of the church, the Government has decided not to proceed with the legalization of the numbers business at this time.
The consultation clearly showed that there is presently not a national consensus on this matter and that, in fact, there are strong feelings on both sides of the issue.
Neither is it partisan as supporters of both political parties represented in parliament hold opposing views. Also, the consultation revealed that even within most religious denominations there are divergent views.
There are pressing national challenges that require the focussed and united attention of government, church and the nation as a whole at this time, particularly violent crime and an economy battered by the global recession.
The Government has therefore concluded that it would not be in the national interest to proceed with the legalization of the numbers business at this time. However, the Government proposes that a referendum should be held on the issue after the next general election so that the will of the people on this issue can be determined.