Henry Hazlitt was a fantastic economic journalist, and after he died in 1993 a collection of his essays were assembled in a great book entitled Is Politics Insoluble? Download a PDf copy here… from the Foundation for Economic Education. And most times I read...Politics
National Address on Crime – Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham The Challenges Confronting Us My Fellow Bahamians: Good evening. Tonight, I speak to you on the issue of crime which is undoubtedly the most pressing issue in our nation. Crime has become one of...Politics
I was recently involved in a matter whereby a PLP Senator, Jerome Fitzgerald, stated in the Upper Chamber of Parliament that the company I work for “committed an egregious offence against the Stamp Tax” Act. In a nutshell, we submitted an entry on May 25,...Politics
MESSAGE FROM RT. HON. HUBERT A. INGRAHAM PRIME MINISTER OF THE BAHAMAS ON THE 37TH ANNIVERSARY OF BAHAMIAN INDEPENDENCEFellow Citizens of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas:Once again, Bahamians across the world gather to commemorate the anniversary of our national...Politics
10 July 2010 Mr. Ralph Massey In his recent statement to Parliament on the Education section of the 2010-2011 Budget, the Honorable Desmond Bannister, Minister of Education, forcefully stated that – The erroneous and misguided practice of publishing a national...Politics
The press quotes Mr. Branville McCartney’s speech in Parliament: “There are a dozen businesses that I could name today, that with a bit of encouragement and start-up financing could benefit from revitalization.”Perhaps he means well in suggesting...