Building contractors will benefit from lectures on contract negotiations, estimating, project management and contract close-out during the four week Contractor I Seminar Series, Minister of Public Works and Transport the Hon. Neko Grant said at the series’ opening session Thursday.
Mr. Grant said the topics will be covered along with instruction from a distinguished group of presenters. He also explained that the seminars, which are collaboration between the Ministry and the Bahamas Contractors Association, are timely.
“Over the years,” Mr. Grant said, “there has been much discussion throughout our country on the way forward in the local construction industry with regard to building the capacity of the workforce. Through the efforts of the Bahamas Contractors Association however; there appears to be growing consensus on where we should be heading.”
He added, “If one of our goals in national development is the provision of quality services, then we must ensure that our workforce has access to relevant training.”
Mr. Grant said that in this regard, the public/private sector initiative is significant as it is a clear indication of what can be achieved through multi-sectoral collaboration.
“As a result, we look forward to the creation of additional opportunities for training in this and other technical and vocational fields in the not too distant future.”
The Seminar Series is sponsored by the Albany Development Company, with the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI) lending technical support.
The first lecturer for the series was renowned architect Pat Rahming who was honoured in Germany in 2006 with the Arch of Europe for Quality and Technology. He drew the winning prize for an innovative approach to the profession.