Grand Bahama – Thanks to two very generous corporate sponsors the residents at the Grand Bahama Children’s Home received an extra Easter gift this holiday. Last week the children at the home were treated to an Easter egg hunt courtesy of the staff at Old Bahama Bay by Ginn sur Mer with transportation to West End provided by Forbes Travel Agency.

“We are very grateful for the experience. The drive out to Old Bahama Bay gave the children an opportunity to see some of the new development going on in the West End district,” said Mrs. Patrice Mack, Home Administrator. “The kids also enjoyed all the treats that were prepared and the staff was ready and eager to receive us.”

Anneka Ferguson, Assistant Director, Guest Activities, Old Bahama Bay by Ginn sur Mer, was instrumental in organizing the event along with the staff from the home. “We are always pleased to help the community but helping these kids is even more special,” she added. “Today was truly delightful for the kids and us!” Ferguson coordinated the Easter egg hunt along with Sarah Kirkby of the GBCH Committee and Caron Smith, Assistant Administrator of the home.

Once on property the kids were treated to an Easter Egg Hunt which all of the children ages 2 – 12 were able to participate in. The Administrators and staff chaperones happily assisted the younger children search for the hidden Easter eggs and joined in the fun. When the hunt was complete, the children had their faces painted, enjoyed ice-cold lemonade and had their fill of delicious home-made cookies, compliments of Old Bahama Bay. The afternoon ended with a surprise visit by the Easter Bunny who delighted the children with candies and playful antics and entertainment, he also posed for photos with the children.

“The Children’s home was in need of a location to hold their annual Easter egg hunt,” commented Mr. Van Bergen, Vice President & General Manager, Ginn sur Mer, “Old Bahama Bay was more than happy to invite the children to the West End to enjoy their Easter traditions and see our beautiful resort. It’s a gorgeous location with plenty of beautiful lawns, gardens, and beaches – perfect for an Easter egg hunt today. And we are so pleased to be a part of this special day for the children.”

The Home, Committee and children wanted to extend their special thanks to Old Bahama Bay and Forbes Travel Agency, “it was a great trip and a unique opportunity for us – not everyone get’s to Easter egg hunt at a five star location,” noted Caron Smith “We have had such a great day and the kids are so happy!”