Nassau, Bahamas – Minister of Public Works and Transport the Hon. Neko Grant said the government will seek to improve the conditions and physical appearance of post offices in settlements throughout Eleuthera, including the inadequate supply of post boxes.


Minister Grant, along with ministry officials including Postmaster General of The Bahamas Godfrey Clarke visited 13 post offices from Bannerman Town in the South to Harbour Island in the North last week.


“I am not too pleased with the physical appearance of a number or our post offices in Eleuthera and we will certainly seek to improve them,” said Minister Grant. “We can improve the working conditions of employees with fans, better lighting and we can improve the areas that our customers come into on a daily basis with some cosmetic work,” he added.


The Minister said there are two units that are “challenged” as it relates to staff. “We shall seek to address them on our return to Nassau. With adequate staffing the quality of service on the island should improve.


“All of the boxes have been taken at the Governor’s Harbour Post office and I am advised that we have constant requests for additional post office boxes. So through reconfiguring the space there we hope to provide another 100 boxes in short order,” continued Minister Grant.


Senior Ministry officials joining Minister Grant included Colin Higgs, Permanent Secretary; Acting Director, Gordon Major and Robert Garraway, Chief Engineer.


Post Offices in the following settlements were visisted by Minister Grant: Bannerman Town, Weymss Bight, Deep Creek, Green Castle, Rock Sound, Savannah Sound, Tarpum Bay, Palmetto Point, Governor’s Harbour, James Cistern, Hatchet Bay, Gregory Town and Harbour Island.





115327 – Minister of Public Works and Transport the Hon. Neko C. Grant and Stephanie Johnson-Bethel, Executive Officer visit a post office in Eleuthera. (BIS PHOTO/Letisha Henderson)


TOUR – Public Works and Transport Minister Neko C. Grant, first from left, inspects the Post Office in Palmetto Point, Eleuthera. Also pictured is Colin Higgs, Permanent Secretary (centre) and Postmaster General of The Bahamas Godfrey Clarke. (BIS PHOTO/Letisha Henderson)