The Board of Directors of the Bahamas Cooperative League paid a courtesy call on Agriculture and Marine Resources Minister Lawrence S ‘Larry’ Cartwright Wednesday. They discussed the growth and development of the industry and Mr. Cartwright was apprised of upcoming events.

The Department of Co-operatives is in the portfolio of the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources. It is headed by Director of Societies, Nathaniel Adderley.

“We are working as a team,” said Co-operative League president Cheryl Bowe-Moss following their meeting with Minister Cartwright. “That is the only way we are going to grow this country.

“We are bringing together the producers and suppliers as well as the financial co-operatives.”

The Co-operative League is the apex body for co-operatives in The Bahamas. International Credit Union Day is celebrated on September 16.

“Bahamians are very receptive to co-operatives now that they are learning of the many benefits they can get from them,” said Mrs. Bowe-Moss. “Before, they were a little timid due to lack of knowledge.

“Bahamians are really taking advantage of what they can do for themselves, working together, which is the principle of a co-operative – people helping themselves.”