With elections constitutionally required by May 2012, we knew it had to start and as usual the political propaganda is predictable.
The first group through the neighbourhood so far is the Democratic National Alliance – The DNA, and their standard bearer for Montagu, Ben Albury left a flyer outlining his party’s goals at the door.
Really they’re simply cute phrases, nothing more than symbolism over substance.
Here’s a few of them:
- Re-Establish Social Protection
- First-World Global Education and Training
- Legitimize, Transform and Authenticate Bahamian Culture
- Strengthen The Family
- Rebuild Christian Values
- Diversify Industry Structure
- Ensure Food Security and Sustainability
- Climate Change and Disaster Preparedness
And an obligatory quote from the Bible about vision and perishing is thrown in for good measure of course.
Okay, I’ll admit that I’m older and more cynical now, but the reality is governing politicians have their hands so full trying to ensure the Civil Service gets the job done with their current responsibilities that to expect them to do just the eight additional items above is nigh on impossible.
I’m still trying to find the one country in the world that can feed itself without food imports. The mighty USA can’t and the DNA can do so for The Bahamas?
I keep hoping, against all odds it seems, that the political class will get down to specifics on how they might fulfil the functions they’re already responsible for and understand we don’t need them to do anymore than that.
Can’t wait to see what the PLP and FNM will do.