What kind of Monetary Institution would be best for The Bahamas?” “A Central Bank, Currency Board or Private Currency?
featuring Dr. Lawrence White

Mark your calendar for Thursday, March 11, 2009 for 6:30pm at the Atlantis Conference Centre, Paradise Island.

The discussion will centre around:

1. The current monetary system in The Bahamas
2. How the Central Bank of The Bahamas influences the economy
3. Comparisons of our monetary institutions to similar countries
4. What practical alternative monetary systems are available, and
5. Would a different monetary system better serve The Bahamas

The dinner presentation for a three course meal is $65 per person. Parking and drinks are additional.

Prof. White is an Economics Professor at George Mason University. He currently teaches a graduate level course on Monetary Theory and Policy. He earned his AB at Harvard University (1977) and PhD at the University of California at Los Angeles (1982).

He has analyzed the theory and history of free banking, a system under which commercial banks and market forces control the provision of banking services.

Please call the office of the Nassau Institute at (242) 328-6529 to leave a message to confirm attendance.