Nassau, Bahamas – Newly appointed Family Island Administrators were briefed on the role of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport and the Ministry of the Environment in the Family Islands during the first of a two-day training session Thursday.

Undersecretary in the Ministry of Public Works Donald Cash told the administrators that the Ministry of Works plays an integral part in the Family Islands.

“Without the Ministry of Works the Family Islands cannot develop properly,” he said. “You are the link between the district where you will serve and the Ministry of Works.”

Topics to be covered by during the two-day workshop include: mail boat services and board of survey procedures, contracts and relations with Family Island engineers, building control, physical planning and sub-divisions.

The four participating administrators are Gregory Knowles, Wilma Colebrooke, Joshua Smith and Maxine Duncombe.


Two of the four newly appointed Family Island Administrators are pictured with representatives of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport and the Ministry of the Environment at the start of a two-day training seminar coordinated by the Ministry of Works on Thursday, April 30, 2009. Shown from left are Bradley King, acting chief engineer; Caldwell Pratt, deputy director; Michael Major, Charles Zonicle, Craig Delancy and Hermis Chisholm,. Seated from left: Donald Cash, undersecretary; and Family Island Administrators Maxine Duncombe and Gregory Knowles. (BIS Photo/Patrick Hanna)