Residential electricity consumers of the Bahamas Electricity Corporation (BEC) and the Grand Bahama Power Company (GBPC) whose service has been reconnected under the Government’s social assistance initiative now have until October 31, 2008 to set up payment plans to settle their account arrears, the Government announced Thursday.

BEC customers previously had until Friday, October 10 and GBPC customers until Friday, October 17 to establish payment plans or face re-disconnection of their supply.

In order to accommodate persons who may not be able to meet the previously set deadlines, the Government has made arrangements to extend the payment plan deadline for these customers.

Last month the Government directed BEC to immediately reconnect the service of persons whose supply had been disconnected for failure to settle their accounts in full.

The Government was advised that over 5,000 residential consumers had their supply of electricity disconnected, the vast majority of those with outstanding bills of less than $1,000.

As of Thursday, 4231 BEC customers had their electricity restored as per that directive.

Reconnection figures per island/settlement are as follows:

New Providence 3,835
Abaco 46
Bimini 28
Great Harbour 27
Central Andros 4
Mangrove Cay 6
South Andros 9
Cat Island 27
North Andros 4
Eleuthera 34
Exuma 90
Long Island Area 121

Reconnection of supply for some BEC customers has been hindered for various reasons including safety, restricted access, and determination of property ownership.