It has come to the attention of the Department of Marine Resources that persons on a number of islands of The Bahamas are netting (hauling) bonefish.

The Department of Marine Resources wishes to remind the public that the netting (hauling) of bonefish is illegal in The Bahamas. The public is further advised that it is illegal to buy or sell bonefish in The Bahamas.

The bonefishing sector continues to play an important role in the sportsfishing industry and the economy of the Bahamas. Many Bahamians find excellent employment opportunities as bonefish guides throughout the Bahamas and there is the potential for more persons to be so employed. Many persons visit the Bahamas every year to fish for bonefish and a number of Bahamian hotel owners cater specifically to these guests.

The public is requested to report all incidents of persons violating the fisheries regulations to the Department of Marine Resources or to the nearest office of the Royal Bahamas Police Force.

The Department of Marine Resources will seek to prosecute all violators of the fisheries regulations to the fullest extent of the law.