Grand Bahama Island – Friday 1st May was the occasion of the prize giving for the First Annual Photographic Competition for Young Persons. Another ‘Special First’ at the Labyrinth in the Garden of the Groves.
The competition was opened at Easter at ‘Spring in the Garden’ to create in young people the art of seeing the beauty of creation by the eyes of the heart! Contestants were invited to buy a $3.00 entry form entitling them to submit up to three photographs taken within the twelve acres of the Garden of the Groves and depict ‘Joy in Creation’. Complimentary passes were given out with the forms to enable the contestants to return and take more photos. Clicking and flashing of cameras took place until the judging on 29th April!
Lyndah Wells, Julie Hoyle, Mark Da Cunha and Derrek Carroll, four of the Island’s professional photographers and experts in their field, formed the panel of judges who generously gave of their time to carefully examine and consider all the 44 entries from 15 contestants in three classes according to age. The judges were looking for technique, criteria and a truly creative eye. It was a lengthy business owing to the high standard and competitive quality of the work. The panel was truly amazed by some of the special qualities they saw in the entries, particularly from some very young contestants. They felt the young people participating had such talent they truly deserved special help and encouragement. The judges voted to take out the winners on location so that they may each ‘work’ with one of the judges and receive some expert advice!
With the exceptionally high quality of the entries the judges decided to name a winner and also a ‘highly commended’ in each class. In addition a new class was created for an exceptional photograph which unfortunately didn’t quite fulfill the criteria of ‘Joy in Creation’l; thus George H. Mc Innes was given the Photographers’ Special Mention for his photograph ‘Elements of Creation’.
At 6.00p.m. on Friday 1st May, Lyndah Wells, graciously represented the team of judges and presented the prizes on the Labyrinth to the following:
- Primary [0-6years] Medal Winner – Tallulah Dack – Entry ‘Shades of Creation’. Tallulah also received the book, ‘Digital Photography for Teens’
- Honourable Mention – Rayenne Jamie Morley – Entry – ‘Beauty of Creation’. Rayenne received the book, ‘The Kids’ Guide to Digital Photography’ Junior Youth [7-12years]
- Medal Winner – Dorian Williams – Entry ‘Trunks and Roots’. Dorian also received the book, ‘How to Photograph Absolutely Everything’
- Honourable Mention -Cherish Pennerman – Entries ‘Napping Turtles ‘ and ‘Flower Market’. Cherish received a Labyrinth Tote Bag and an invitation to spend time with a professional photographer
- Senior Youth [13-18years] Medal Winner – Rachael Russell – Entry ‘Butterfly on Flower’. Rachael also received the book, ‘ Digital Photography Masterclass’
- Photographers’ Special Mention George H.McInnes – Entry ‘Elements of Creation’. George received a Labyrinth Tote Bag and an invitation to spend time with a professional photographer.
Mrs. Wells gave warm words of encouragement to the young contestants and said she hoped to see more of their work, in particular at next year’s event. Mark Da Cunha, another of our team of judges, generously officiated as photographer and covered the entire prizegiving. His many photographs taken at the Prizegiving may be seen on line. The actual winning photographs are now on display at the entry to the Garden of the Groves. All other entries are available for collection at the ticket booth of the Garden. The judges and promoters want to assure all contestants that they should not be disappointed if, on this occasion they have not won a prize. All the work was of an exceedingly high standard displaying true talent which deserves to be nurtured.