Kenneth A. Moss recently retired from the Bahamas Postal Service after serving some 47 years. He began his career as a clerk at the Bank Lane and Parliament Street location and quickly progressed through the ranks retiring as Executive Officer.
From sorting mail in the “Outward” section Mr. Moss moved on to become a Senior Clerk in 1973. Six years later he joined the Parcel Post section and remained there until 2000 when he received a supervisory position.
Throughout his many years in the Public Service Mr. Moss worked under the employ of four Postmasters including Claude Saunders, Charles Harris, John V. Saunders and Godfrey Clarke, present Postmaster.
“I have seen the Post Office progress from a small building to one with modern equipment, a larger staff and more clients,” said Mr. Moss. “The mail system has improved over the years. They now have high speed mail and they are doing well,” he added.
“When I first joined there was the main Post Office on Bay Street, the Grants Town, Shirley Street and Fox Hill sub-stations. They have now expanded to include South Beach, Elizabeth Estates, Cable Beach, Carmichael, Clarence Bain and the Post Office in the [Lynden Pindling International] airport. They have advanced tremendously,” he said.