Press Release
From the President
Bahamas National Youth Council
For Immediate Release
“Globalization: Is there ever a need for Government to intervene? When and How?”
“Making the link between household expenditure and international trade arrangements”.The Bahamas National Youth Council feel that it is critical for the lay person to understand the importance of taking stock of government activity especially as it relates to trade agreements. What has been happening in our context is that the authorities have been arbitrarily dismissing national concerns of food prices and crime as global issues… consequences of globalization.
We are of the view that this explanation is inadequate and simplistic. The question for The Bahamas is whether it will make the decision to integrate its economy fully into the world economy or will it stand outside the system, protecting local markets and restricting the terms of trade. That is the question re the Economic Partnership Agreement with the EU, the new agreement with Canada and the successor to the CBI. There are some things that government. can do to protect the local markets but is this desirable given the costs that are added to the consumer when the government does this. On the other hand, we need to foster local capital accumulation to protect against the erosion of wealth amongst local people, helping to build up our country.
We are inviting all Bahamians to join the members of the Bahamas National Youth Council (BNYC); as we embark on another thought provoking topic and the issues of our great country. We as young people have some of the solutions! However; let’s educate ourselves with the topics! Our guest speakers include The Hon. Fred Mitchell; Member of Parliament for the Fox Hill Constituency and former Minister of Foreign Affairs along with Mr. Philip Simon; Executive Director of the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce.
Therefore, we invite you, the media to cover this benchmarking event that the Council is undertaking to educate and further our fellow young Bahamians. The event will be held on the 22nd May at 6.30pm at the Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports and Culture.