Freeport, Grand Bahama – Almost 2 months after the most exciting competition in Grand Bahama had finished, Bahamian Brewery and Beverage Company announced that it had chosen the first of its two names. “Today we proudly announce that we have chosen the name, SANDS as the first of two names from our “Name those beers” competition,” stated brewery President, James Sands.

“Eleven contestants entered this name, which means that we have eleven very excited winners. As you know our winners had a chance to win $3,000 for having the winning name we liked. I’m sure you are all calculating what they would have won in sharing their prize today.”
According to Mr. Sands over 1,899 entered the competition, which gave the brewery 3,798 names to consider!

“If you calculated $273 each you’d be correct in your sums but not in what we will pay out today,” announced Sands, “The board and I have decided to give each winner $500 each. This means we will now pay out $5,500, instead of the original $3,000” Sands noted.
The eleven winners were then announced and came forward to collect their checks for their entry. They are: Berndera Hepburn, Deanna Mosko, Gary Williams, Robbie Butler, Ali Campbell, Tavere Kelly, Anita Osman, Joel Wildgoose, Christine Garvey, Martin William and Agatha Wallace.

The ‘Name those Beers’ competition began on September 1st and gave Grand Bahama residents the chance to win $3,000 by coming up with a winning name for the new brewery’s beers. Each resident was allowed three chances to enter the competition with two original names as the brewery is looking for two names. According to Mr. Sands over 1,899 entered the competition, which gave the brewery 3,798 names to consider!

Sands went on to add that he was thrilled with the overwhelming response the competition had received and advised the media that 90% of the entries were on line via the companies website It is here on the site where the brewery will make all major announcements and any upcoming updates, like the one today.

‘We are now aggressively working on label ideas as well as making a decision on the 2nd name, which we plan to announce in the New Year,” noted Mr. Sands. The company also plans to utilize all the email address they have received to keep these interested persons up to date with the growth of the brewery and of course advise them about employment opportunities, special events and eventually sales of it’s new SANDS beer.

In closing Sands announced that he was “really pleased to be making this announcement today, everyone has been asking me who won, what name did we choose, the response has been overwhelming and we are very excited to start working on our first product. I want to thank everyone who entered and especially congratulate the winners here today, we have one more name to choose so I am looking forward to congratulating the other winners or winner soon.”