The Department of Marine Resources wishes to advise the general public as to the opening of the year 2008 – 2009 stonecrab season on 16 October, 2008.

The public is to note that the open stonecrab season extends from 16 October to 31 May, 2009 inclusive.

During the stated period, fishers are reminded that it is illegal to take, buy or sell any female stonecrab.

Also, fishers are reminded that all harvested stonecrab claws must measure more than four (4) inches in length. It constitutes an offense against the Fisheries Regulations to take, have in your possession, buy or sell any stonecrab claws of which measures less than four (4) inches in length.

The stonecrab industry continues to play an important role to the fisheries of The Bahamas adding hundreds of thousands of dollars to the economy of The Bahamas.

Fishers are advised to adhere to the Rules or face prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.