Sir Winston Churchill once said that “democracy is the worst form of Government, except for all the rest.” We have a clear example of that when it states in our Constitution “no civil or criminal proceedings may be instituted against any...Opinion
The Bahamas signing an educational agreement with Cuba as reported in the press recently seems innocuous enough, particularly with the travails of the public educational system. But let’s dig a little deeper.Unless things have changed dramatically in Cuba in...Opinion
Rabushka: 16 October 2001 Dr. Alvin Rabushka Speech delivered to The Rotary Club of Nassau, Bahamas, May 13, 1997. Distinguished Rotarians and Invited Guests, It is said that "death and taxes are inevitable." The difference is that death occurs but once,...Opinion
Recently The Tribune quotes Dr. Bernard Nottage’s, speech when he informed parliament that “Society is in crisis as “far too many Bahamians” leave school without the necessary skills either to join the workforce or go on to further...Opinion
Dr Dexter Johnson’s new book (Crisis in Paradise – The Bahamas at the Start of the Post-Tourism Era) offers his proposals to address the country’s problems, but they are based on conspiracy theories and predisposed to bigger government. Dr Johnson...Opinion
A non-profit group – the Grand Bahama Humane Society — saves the lives of eighty-eight Bahamian dogs by having them shipped to the United States – a noble and humanitarian act – and the best the PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts can do is to whine...